2013 Board Report

Lake Committee Report - August 20, 2013

Aquatic Systems, Inc. is treating our ponds at least twice a month since May and using the permitted quantity allowed with each treatment.
Phosphorus levels exceed an acceptable range in 9 out of 10 ponds. Pond #5 (Lake Lucerne) is the only pond in an acceptable range, but it is still above the desired range.

Nitrogen levels exceed an acceptable range in 4 out of 10 ponds (#1,2,9, & 10).

GreenScapes, Inc is maintaing the landscape for PBCA and Neighborhoods B & H. They have already started to reduce the use of phosphorus and nitrogen based fertilizers throughout the year, and not just in June - September (which is prohibited by law). Neighborhood HOA’s and all PBCA residents need to ask their service providers to do the same. No Phosphorus fertilizers should be applied unless a soil test proves a need.

The City of St. Petersburg’s Reclaimed Water department has sent us the nutrient data regarding phosphorus and nitrogen from their reclaimed water plants and have stated that any additional phosphorus and nitrogen based products would most likely NOT be required. Reclaimed water is fertilizing our lawns (and ponds) each time we irrigate. Use it wisely and stop it from streaming into our ponds. Adjust your sprinklers to water only landscape and water only when needed. Turn your timers off during the rainy season.

On August 29th, we will be meeting with ASI, GreenScapes, property management, and board members to find ways to encourage all PBCA residents and Neighborhood HOA’s to reduce their reclaimed water usage and to eliminate all phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers unless a soil test proves a need. Other ways to help the ponds are listed on our website under the Lake Committee section (example Pick up After Your Pet). All Neighborhood HOA’s and their lawn care providers in addition to PBCA board members are invited to attend.

Alum treatments are being explored to help bind up the existing excessive phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients in our ponds. An Alum test treatment was done in May which mostly targeted Pond #3 & 2 at a cost of $3,850 The fresh seasonal algae growing on these two ponds is much less than most of the other ponds.

Pond #7 (Lake Placido) has an approximate phosphorus level at 1,920... an acceptable range would go up to 450, with the desirable range not to exceed 150....so you can see we are WELL above acceptable phosphorus levels in the “big pond”.

PBCA Pond System: 4 distinct sub systems
1. Ponds 1-3 captures runoff from about 255/636 homes or 40% of the stormwater runoff. These ponds tend to have recurring algae blooms in the warm weather.

2. Ponds 4-5 captures runoff from about 57/636 homes or 9% of the stormwater runoff.  These ponds tend to be “cleaner” that most of the other ponds.

3. Ponds 6-8 captures runoff from about 221/636 homes or 35% of the stormwater runoff.  These ponds tend to have recurring algae blooms in the warm weather. Estimates to treat this particular sub system with one Alum treatment is around $35,000.

4. Ponds 9-10 captures runoff from about 103/636 homes or 16% of the stormwater runoff.  Pond #9 has had excessive algae blooms in the fall over the last 2 years.

Respectfully submitted, Jean Catanese
